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Quotes on philosophy

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 Note: This page contains links to quotes on philosophy.

Note: Quotes on specific subjects and themes tend to be a little more serious than the poems in the general children's and adult section.

The good philosopher What makes a good philosopher?

The secret of the universe


The taxidermist motto Speaking literally and figuratively at the same time

The teacher’s motto A philosophy on why someone would teach

Wise It's hard to know what 'being wise' is

Wise was his word

That is not the question A parody on Shakespeare's play,  Hamlet, prince of Denmark Act 3 scene 1   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/To_be,_or_not_to_be

Time for a change


The ego and the self

Prejudice … maybe

Love thy enemy


Murphy’s laws of universal certainty Murphy is one of the world's most renounced philosopher (be he fictional and be 'he,' "pessimistic.") This quote examines Murphy and his thoughts about "god" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murphy's_law

Never stop questioning There's a quote in this one from Albert Einstein http://www.quotationspage.com/quote/9316.html

Theoretical history

A simple solution


A great method

A pact with ‘the familiar’

Beliefs are like bubbles

A theory about ‘the great theorist’

O I’m here, living Perhaps the most essential thing about living is that it is a constant awakening to 'surprise'

The measurement of suffering A little philosophy on this most complex of subjects, "suffering"