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Book 28 Page 48

Reincarnation poem of conviction


I know I have been here before,

for I know I have passed many times through deaths door.

living life as both rich and poor I have learnt;

(no it is best to say that I know that;) there is always more.


I know what it is like to be the oppressor and to be the oppressed.

I also know what life can be like at its very best.

I have been both female and male.

I know of success and I know what it feels like ‘to fail.’


And I have worn many a traditional countries dress.

living in both the east and the west.

And I have fought many many wars.

I have even fought on both sides and so I now wonder; “well what for!”


I have donned the robes of a Christian priest.

And I have taken part in a heathen feast.

I have believed so many doctrines, looking at life through many views.

And now I have learnt to know very calmly; what is essentially true.


I have within me the memory of being animal and tree.

And in every single one of my existences I simply thought, this is being ‘me.’

I have lived here and I have lived there.

I have felt anger and misery to the point ‘I didn’t care.’


And I have died countless times, but always I return.

And in every single life I can say, “I have learned.”

For I have now come to a point where I have learned to; ‘truly love.’

For I know of life and death and the earth and that which lies above.


And through this revolving door I go on traveling,

as I go from one life to the next.

Traveling to death to meet life once again,

for I have learnt that;


life and death are essentially the same in this;

great and expansive; ‘'spiritual quest.’'

© Written by Dominic John Gill www.poetry.net.au  dominicj7@poetry.net.au Created on 9/7/00