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Book 33 Page 50


They fight for a dream


They fight for a dream,

they shoot for it,

they bomb for it,

in this way they act,

in dire longing for it.


And they fight for me and you,

crawling though mud and plodding though forests.

Hunting down the enemy, (the anti dream,)

so their dream may rein highest.


Fighting in the air,

on water and on enemy soil.

In search of that ‘dream’ they risk

their very lives in blood / sweat and toil.


And when the war is won,

we will all thank them for being the young and the brave ones.

Thank them for bringing home our ‘lost dream,’

that dream of peace and liberty and freedom.


And at some latter stage,

(at some other place and time in history’s page,)


(with our faded and forgotten dream) will once again ask them to


to lay down their lives,

so that we may rekindle the flame of our ‘beloved dream.’

That dream that seems;

not capable of staying alive without,


© Written by Dominic John Gill 2001