Book 39

Page 11

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Centrelink depression


‘Centrelink depression;’

an illness not in the medical books as yet,

but it is a depression of the most real and serious kind,

on this you can bet.


The depressions of being repetitively treated

like you’re a number in a mass

And a number at that belonging to;

the lowest economic class.


And so that depression may hit you any time,

especially when there’s a nasty letter in the mail telling you that your

pension has been discontinued

and all that this entails.


And it is then that your head might go into a spin,

or you’ll have “an episode” as the psychologist say.

One little letter like this from Centrelink is enough to send your

emotions to dismay.


And so after several years of being treated like this,

you might find that you’ve developed a

fully blown case of a ‘mental disorder,

a clinical case of “Centrelink depression,” that’s what ‘I’ call it!


And so what might be a cure, you might ask?

Some retolin, or perhaps another nerve suppressor,

or perhaps alas,

a job!!!?.


But there’s little chance of that, not a real job anyway.

But you can always try one of those poor conditions / low paid jobs.

But is that really a cure

or just a ‘band-aid remedy?’


© Written by Dominic John Gill September 6, 2006