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Book 36 Page 7

The parable of the three Jesus’







There were once three Jesus’ who found themselves in a mental institution. The psychologist and psychiatrist thought that it would be a good idea if they locked them all in the same room together to see if they would come to the errors of their ways, to see the light so to speak.


One of the Jesus’ turned to the others saying;

“If you are really Jesus, show us your wares.”


There upon one of the Jesus’ picked up a cup of water saying,

“With this water I shall turn it into wine.”

And he did.

And the other two Jesus’ were astounded.


Then the Jesus who had turned the water into wine turned to the other two Jesus’ and said;

“If you are really Jesus, show us your wares.”


There upon the second Jesus produce some bread from thin air saying;

“Take this both of you and eat, this is my body.”

The other two Jesus’ were astounded.


Then the two Jesus’ who had performed the miracles said to the remaining Jesus;

“Now if you are truly Jesus, show us your wares.”

There upon the remaining Jesus said;

“Love thy neighbor as thy self.”

The remaining Jesus’ were astounded at such wisdom and the fact that he truly meant what he said.


They then made a pact between each other saying; “it seems that none of us is the true Jesus.” And they each vowed to never use their magic to prove a point again.


And to the amazement of the psychologist and psychiatrist they were all totally cured. For they proclaimed to each other and the world that; because they can see that magic was such a common thing, none of them were actually Jesus, they were just ordinary men.


And so all of the ‘would be Jesus’’ went off to live a free and easy natural life.


The gospel according to: anonymous.

© Written by Dominic John Gill 1/Mar/2006 www.poetry.net.au  dominicj7@poetry.net.au