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Book 14 Page 27


War is logical


War is logical within its contextual confines.

It is logical within the bounds of a worrying mind.


War is logical in a world that perceives there is not enough to go round.

It is quite logical on these grounds.


War is logical in a world that doubts there is life after death.

For in this context, life must be desperately held onto, while other life spent.


War is logical in a world with a ‘struggling mentality.’

For this is what war ultimately is, a dream come true.


War is extremely logical, when the child must be protected.

But before this event arises, many other things often subtle have been neglected.


War is logical in a world where each person must survive for themselves.

When there is a lack of comradeship and human to human help.


War is a climax, a pinnacle of events see and unseen.

War in this context, is a very logical theme.


© Written by Dominic John Gill 6/3/00