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Book 14 Page 24


Every body’s writing a book these days



Every body’s writing a book these days.

Every Tom / Dick and Harry thinks they’ve got something important to say.


Monica Luinsky’s got a new book and what did she ever do!?

Except to go and do, ‘something rude.’


O. J. Simpson and his jurors, they’re all writing books.

Hey these day’s, anything seems to serve ‘as a hook.’


Perhaps the pioneers of ‘would be authors’ were Hitler and Moe se Tung.

But way back then nobody dare criticizes these guys for fear of being hung.


I reckon these blokes prove that to write a book you don’t really need brains.

All you essentially need is ‘publicity publicity publicity’ to reach that authorship fame.


These days a bit of sex, / scandal and exposing someone else’s privacy

is bound to get you on the cover of any glossy magazine.


To be a book writer these days all you need is a good publisher and a good lawyer.

That all you really need to launch your famous book career.


So I reckon; “if they can do it, then so can I.”

Yep, I ganna write me a best selling book that millions will buy.


© Written by Dominic John Gill www.poetry.net.au  dominicj7@poetry.net.au 9/3/00