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Book 36 Page 36

Welfare dependent


“There by the grace of Centrelink go I.”

Subject to it’s many governmental reforms.

“Reforms” I am expected to obediently and diligently conform.


Yes indeed I shall conform to earn my keep,

less I find myself homeless and in heap.


And yes shall I ‘fill out’ its many forms,

feeling at times; ‘desperately forlorn.’


“O why; O why do you want to know my name and address yet again!?”

O what a dreadful institutional task this is and pain!


And shall I protest against its many strange ways!?

Shall I risk being tufted out in the cold cold rain!?

O no not I, for I am one of the; ‘welfare dependent trained.’

From rebellion I have learnt, to ‘refrain.’


I shall not speak my mind,

for I am the classic; ‘welfare dependent kind.’


And so from pension to pension check I travel,

sorting out life as it precariously unravels.

Hoping and praying that some higher power is on my side,

for “there by the grace of Centrelink go I.”


‘Welfare dependent is I.’


That’s the way society says its ganna be,

that I should never ever have the privilege of feeling ‘independent and free.’

That “you” / society; should never just; let me be,

Yep; that’s me!


And so I say;

“There by the grace of Centrelink go I.”


And; O my O my! it feels like I’m living, one big lie!?

 February 4, 2006 © Written by Dominic John Gill