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The ways of Centrelink

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 The poems / skits and quote in this section are likely not to be of interest to children.


To find out what this part of the site is about, please read. Here is an essay containing views and an analysis of the dynamics of unemployment and the social welfare system.


Before reading some of the poems, skits, quotes below, you might like to read an essay with a few personal thoughts on the subject of unemployment.

Poems on the themes of the poor in Australia



Welfare dependent (If you're welfare dependent, this might be something you'd might say)

Everybody’s in a “work for the doll” program (Work for the dole, is it all it's cracked up to be!?)

Welfare dependent 2 A poem based on the theme of the poem above, "welfare dependent" Here's an article on welfare dependency.

Centrelink’s powers of surveillance This is Centrelink's official site regarding privacy matters, click on, "what about privacy"  This is a real life account of one of Centrelink's customers. Check out how private this persons life is

Centrelink depression At any particular time, about five percent of the population are unemployed. This in itself is a worry of course. But just as much of a worry is the thought that these people can be treated harshly by the Centrelink rules. If you don't think so, then you must also be aware of all the rules in Centrelink towards the unemployed.

Hold onto your sensibilities

Sing for your supper Being kick out of your work is not the same as being kicked off the dole. When your sacked, you have that thing called the "safety net." When your kicked of the dole you fall on solid ground, you become homeless.

The welfare system has failed This quote asserts that the welfare system is failing, and what's more important is that it can fail even more.

Too proud to go on the dole

The grace of Centrelink People talk about being 'welfare dependent' but usually the talk is only about the people who are welfare dependent, seldom about the system they are dependent to

A breach in Centrelink is a breach in humanity Most people seem concern, - and rightfully so - about people breaching the rules of Centrelink. Yet there seems to be however, little concern to what damage is done to those who are breached and who must incur an eight week lost of income and more, and what this means to that individual and also society at large. Being opinionated perhaps in this one, but I hope this speaks to the importance of the issue of being breached

Little boxes of the welfare system A parody on the song, little boxes on the hill side

Society’s money frustrations When people speak about their frustrations with "the unemployed," are they really not simply speaking about their particular stance on money (government money,) and how to spend it?